"Only those who set off on a journey will discover new land."
Hugo von Hofmannsthal
About CRM, PCM, seminars, books, and consulting for authors you can read here:
1. CRM and PCM - Two Fascinating Worlds
2. Who is Behind This Website? - A Short Introduction
3. Since February 2024: There Are Books Available
4. Since March 2024: Consulting for Textbook Authors
5. In My CRM and PCM Seminars You Will Learn Sustainably
1. CRM and PCM - Two Fascinating Worlds
In my seminars, the Process Communication Model®, PCM, and crew resource management, CRM, will be ready and waiting for you.
As we will discover in a moment, these two are completely different subjects, which is why we deal with them separately, on this website, as well as in our seminars. Both are as fascinating as they are beneficial.
1.1. Optimal Communication Using PCM
Mixed Experiences With Communication
In our everyday lives we have many a different contact. We experience how easily we can communicate with some people.
We understand each other with almost no words, and sometimes we share the same feelings or thoughts. With other persons, we are not quite as sure, how we should form our relationships.
What should we do? Should we think about ourselves, or should our counterpart make an effort to meet our expectations? Or both?
The Process Communication Model®
The Process Communication Model® with its six clearly defined Personality Types helps us to communicate successfully in any situation, both in our private lives and at work.
As we learn first of all, how our own personalities are structured, and what makes us tick, we obtain the necessary skills to recognise the leading Personality Types in our fellow human beings and to address them accordingly.
Thus, we succeed in getting our message across, and we can avoid escalating situations, which may otherwise lead to conflicts.
The six Personality Types with their assigned PCM colours
Thinker (blue) Harmoniser (orange) Imaginer (brown) Persister (purple) Promoter (red) Rebel (yellow).
The colours are used in all PCM figures. Hence, these are simple to comprehend. Below, you can see an example of a Personality Structure which we all possess. Also in this structure, the colours identify the respective Personality Types. The leading one "lives" on the ground floor.

1.2. Excellent Teamwork With CRM
As teamleaders and as teammembers, we do not have an easy time. We are expected to complete complex tasks in a structured and timely manner. This applies to many a line of business.
However, what does it imply if a considerable risk potential is added to the complexity of the tasks?
With horror we remember air disasters, tanker accidents, the maximum ultimate catastrophe in Chernobyl, or operations during which the wrong surgical procedure has been performed. How do we minimise the risk of such major disasters?
When using CRM actively, we carry out our teamwork efficiently. We exchange information safely. We learn how to lead a team in a way that the whole team can work hand in hand. We know how to deploy auxiliaries in order to minimise failure.
However, we are humans, and not robots! How can we maintain perfection at all times?
No one is able to perform flawlessly one hundred percent. Thus, we simply cannot expect it from anyone. Rather, we should aim at establishing constructive error management, and learn how to deal with the human factors .
There are several summaries of the human factors which compromise our work. You can see a famous one here:

1.3. The Best for You
In my seminars, you can learn both CRM and PCM without any difficulty. Don´t worry if you have never heard of the topics before. For beginners, as well as advanced learners, I offer CRM and PCM seminars.
Before you take part in your PCM Seminar One, your individual PCM Personality Profile will be established. Of course, you can order this independently of a seminar booking, including an in-depth one-on-one consultation.
You can read about many fascinating CRM topics in my Blog in advance. There, you will find a new article every month.
The article of September 2024: Unauthorised People on the Runway
The article of August 2024: Deadly Knife Attacks in Public
2. Who is Behind This Website? - A Short Introduction

Eva-Maria Schottdorf, Emergency Physician, Author, and Trainer
When working in the emergency medical service, I employ CRM together with my teams during our calls regularly. For me, PCM does not only belong to the world of business.
Learn more about my fascination for CRM and PCM, as well as my career and my network. You can read a compact compilation of news on "Latest News".
3. Since February 2024: There Are Books Available
3.1. A Comprehensive CRM Textbook in Several Volumes
After intense preparations, I am currently working on my book about Crew Resource Management. In this comprehensive book, I will present to you the development of CRM, as well as all its concepts, precisely as they are known in aviation. The publication of the first two volumes is scheduled for December 2024.

Clearly arranged in several volumes, the book will be available to you as an electronic, as well as a printed version, also on this website. I have compiled all the important information for you and I will update it constantly.

3.2. The First Volume of the Special CRM Collection Is Published
Furthermore, I summarise my thorourghly revised and expanded blog articles in the series "A Special CRM Collection", categorised by the year of publication. The first volume is already published. You can have a look at the preview below and order here.
3.3. A Series for Textbook Authors
Moreover, I am working on my book series which is packed with essential inside information for textbook authors . The first volume is scheduled to be published in January 2025.

4. Since March 2024: Consulting for Textbook Authors
Do you think about writing and publishing your own nonfiction book? Might it even be a textbook? Being an author is demanding, but also exciting, as is self-publishing and running an author ´s business.
Major advantages of self-publishing include that the author retains all rights on his or her works when using his or her own ISBNs, but also that he or she can keep a large part of the royalties.
Indeed, being a self-publishing author is a complex profession and there is so much to learn about it. If you are overwhelmed by all the knowledge you need, you are not alone at all. Every author has been there, including me.

So, if you are seeking advice, you might want to explore my Consulting for Authors . Especially if you are working on a textbook, we can discuss your best choices concerning everything from editing and proofreading to publishing and marketing. I am looking forward to advising you on your way to your big achievement.
Continuous further education, as well as the exchange with professionals are important to me:

5. In My CRM and PCM Seminars You Will Learn Sustainably
I have described all my seminars in detail for you.
5.1. First of All, a Seminar...
I publish all fixed seminar dates early on my website so that you can plan in advance. After you have made your booking, I will send important information, accompanied by a seminar schedule, to you via email well in advance.
During the seminars, I will not only provide you with precious subject matter, but also with exciting and fun exercises. You can apply your knowledge immediately.

It is your seminar! New challenges are waiting for you, take them up!
During our breaks you can establish new contacts, discuss passionately, or just get together and have fun. You can also take your time, and reflect intensively all by yourself.
For your seminars, I will welcome you in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere at the lovely seminar venue Munich (fixed dates). Of course, you can book inhouse-seminars, as well.

5.2. ... And Then Into the Real World!
Hearing about a topic for the first time, or the first seminar can be the beginning of a road we wish to follow long-term. Read below about how we can work together so that you can successfully integrate into your daily routine what you have learned in the seminar.
As a Participant
you can think about how you want to apply what you have learned already during your seminar.
From My Side
I will do the best I can for your long-lasting success. It is of utmost importance to me to provide you with comprehensive course materials to keep, as well as tips and tricks. Of course, I will answer your questions even after you have completed your seminar.
As an Organisation
you can plan together with the whole team, how you want to establish and sustain change.

Read practical tips on CRM, PCM, and writing, as well as exciting news every two months in my Newsletter.
If you have already made up your mind, you can sign up for my newsletter using this form: